Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Updates and New Locations

Hello Blogger world!

It has been nearly three years (WOW!) since my last blog post and I think now is as good of time as ever to update. As you can imagine, things have changed drastically in nearly all factions of my life, but everything for the better. Many things are the same though. Still vegetarian, still with my same man and still the same quirky gal. Here's an update on things that have been happening...

Etsy: My Etsy business continues to bloom with new products, ideas and patterns always keeping things interesting. A current customer favorite is a throw back inspiration piece - vintage showgirl style resin hoop earrings!
I'm working out some plans to develop a fun bridal collection with pieces for bridesmaids and members of the family. 

Location: Instead of the cold, blustering Midwest, Vivace Crafts (aka me!) has moved to sunny California! The Bay Area has been wonderful to me and boo and we love everything there is to do here. 

We do not miss the snow at all! Even though, the more I look at those birds the cuter they are! I'll take the sun and ocean any day over -40 degrees!

Personal: I'm now a Mrs! Hubby and I were married in August and have been enjoying our time together since. 

We both have new day jobs (no more graduate school!!) so life has picked up quite a bit. It's nice to have things fall in line, especially since we worked so hard for them to do so!

One of the things that I plan on doing is keeping up with the blogging. I'd like to take some time now and then to document things happening, like a good new recipe, adventures in the Golden State and new products to my Etsy stores. I hope you'll join me on this new adventure :-)


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